
Twinkle, Twinkle

“Twinkle, Twinkle” is a memory of early childhood. My brother, Don and I were looking out the window at the stars. I remember trying to sing “Twinkle, twinkle little star…” but did not know the rest of the words.


After the Rain

“After the Rain” was painted from a reference photo of me at approximately age 5.

I had just gotten my my first rain coat.  A bit oversized, but I would grow into it. I was empowered, walking around in the rain.

It was a family picnic. I was so proud of myself!  It is a sweet memory from a simpler time.

It was nice visiting with her during the creation of this piece.


Posthumous Child

A Posthumous child is born after the death of the father.

This was an intuitive painting. An image began forming out of the background I was developing. 

The shadow to the left was originally intended to be a tree, but immediately upon darkening, morphed into the "shadow man". I realized it was my own story as a posthumous child.

The moon (symbol of women and mother) was given additional symbolism as the glyph of the planet Pluto. This symbolizes my astrological Sun conjunct Pluto which is the “father” in my chart. In this case, dead father, and the moon as engulfed by pluto.

The child is “protected” in a circle of love. There is connection with the mother, yet separation. They don’t see one another. The relationship is “overshadowed” by the invisible presence. Many layers of emotion are indicated in these complex relationships that cross multiple traditional assumptions.

Spirit Horse - Aldebaran

This is a fantasy homage to my favorite horse, Baran.  My lifetime dream to have a horse was fulfilled in this relationship.

He was named after the star, Al Debaran (the eye of the bull). He was actually a white arabian gelding. 

In the sky, the stars form the constellation of Taurus.

I think this connection stems from my Celtic epigenietics so I painted me that way.


Heartfelt Present

"Heartfelt Present” depicts two adventurous spirts engaged in the moment without agenda. Present and Grounded. A blank slate of possibility.

 “Heartfelt Present” is about a moment not a gift. It depicts an encounter between beings who are open to one another and to the moment. Symbolically depicted by flowering heads open, in full bloom, hearts extended while still remaining intact.  Even the shadow selves are in “touch”.  The floor pattern also represents the many story pieces impacting the moment. The large triangle of negative space carries multiple symbolic trinity meanings including the astrological trine.  The setting invites an exploration into the unknown with doors, windows, hallways, blank slates, also light and dark.
